Saturday, December 21, 2019

Sharons Animals hanging Tough 2019

                        Sat.21Dec2019 Sharons Greetings 2020 Here we come.

                               Happy Holidays to all and to all Good Days and nites.
                Sharons Rescue  Animals keep us Alive, up and at em  Walking, Talking and Chewing Bubble Gum. HAAA

                              Humble Thanks to
to all who donate so Seniors also may have Food, Safety in their Homes.etc.
 Seamstress who sew Dog Food Bags  to recycle is great 4 fundraising.

                                Sharons Dignity is compromised by City Harrassmet, as in 100 Blogs
in Sig below.
                                Sister Bernae hope your Shepherd Zeus is Comfortable, losing our Animals is heartbreaking.
(5) Facebook

Image may contain: dog and food


Sharon Anderson Dayton's Bluff ECFE Advisory Council Grateful Thanks to East Side Elders Monthly Food Rebecca NelsonJan,Karla,Rolene et al Christmas Cookies, ate the Whole Box 8 Cookies, for 80 years Comfort U.S. Food and Drug Administration cc Jane Prince for Saint Paul's Ward 7 Jane Prince, Saint Paul City Council, Ward 7 Mayor Melvin Carter
Image may contain: dog




ChuChu Pals with Bella

ChuChu Pals with Bella

Bella Therapy Chihuahua

Bella Therapy Chihuahua
Bella & ChuChu2013_Pals

Maddy & Me

Maddy & Me

Sharon4Council 3

Rottweiller Maddy-Me

Rottweiller Maddy-Me

Maddys Licenses

Maddys Licenses



Maddys Shots

Maddys Shots