Saturday, November 15, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Save America's Wolves
Your tax-deductible donation of $25.00, $33.33, $50.00 or another amount will help support our 3-pronged plan to stop a second Bush/Cheney wolf slaughter. Limpy was one of the very first wolves to die when the Bush/Cheney Administration eliminated protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies earlier this year. In total, more than 100 wolves were killed before Defenders of Wildlife and our allies were able to restore legal protections for these majestic creatures in July.
In its waning days, the Bush/Cheney Administration is moving once again to eliminate life-saving protections for wolves and again allow states to kill these magnificent animals. Over a hundred wolves were killed the last time the Bush Administration lifted federal protections for wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies this past spring. Limpy -- the celebrity wolf from Yellowstone that had an injured leg and was long admired for his courage and tenacity -- was among the wolves gunned down during the first days of killing.
The Bush Administration only has until January 20th to adopt their awful plan for our wolves, and we have a three-pronged plan to stop the slaughter: With the help of dedicated Defenders supporters like you, we were able to restore protections for wolves like Limpy earlier this year. WE CAN AND MUST DO IT AGAIN.
I hope you’ll help ensure that our legal experts and our on-the-ground field team have the resources they need to save these wolves. Please donate whatever you can today to help us stop the slaughter. With Gratitude, P.S. We don’t have much time to stop the Bush/Cheney Administration’s latest assault on our wolves. Please make a secure donation online or call 1-800-385-9712 to contribute by phone so that we can put your tax-deductible donation to work immediately.
Dear Sharon,
To save wolves like Limpy, we must hold off the Bush/Cheney Administration’s plan for just 71 more days. Please make an emergency contribution of $25.00, $33.33, $50.00 or another amount today to our Greater Yellowstone Wolf Defense Fund to support our efforts in the courts and on the ground to stop the next onslaught before it begins.
If the Bush/Cheney Administration is successful, the wolf killing could begin again before the end of January.
But we need your support to maintain this campaign and keep the Bush/Cheney Administration from once again green-lighting the irresponsible killing. Please make a tax-deductible donation of $25.00, $33.33, $50.00 or another amount today.
Rodger Schlickeisen
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