- Family pit bull kills Minneapolis boyFamily pit bull kills Minneapolis boy
7-year-old's father shoots pet after trying to stop attack in their basement
Article Last Updated: 08/16/2007 11:25:30 PM CDT
In a message dated 8/17/2007 11:52:27 A.M. Central Daylight Time, Sharon4Anderson writes:
Maddy-Me John Lesch - Google Search St. Paul City Attorneys making 4 thous monthlyof which 42 including State Rep. John Lesch who is leeching the tax blood of the citizeneryBRING IT ON Lawyer JOHN LESCH making Unconstitutional LawsIndict the Parents of the Murder of Child via Domestic Pitbull with 5 puppies?SYMPATHYS TO THE FAMILY OF ZACHARY KING JR. 15Aug07PITBULL-Face put down protecting Ginger and pitbull puppies.AFFIDAVIT OF CANDIDATE WARD 2 VA WIDOW-WHISTLEBLOWERSHARON WOULD BE DEAD BY CORRUPT COPS AND DSI IF SHARONDID NOT HAVE HER BODYGUARD MADDY- COPS POISONED HER 3 YEARS AGOAnimals protect their young http://sharon4council.blogspot.com State Rep/City Attorneys1. by conflicting Unconstitutional Breed elimination/illegal condemnation of propertys (vacant)for pecuniary greed of John Lesch acting in concortwith Lee Helgen to subsidize millions of dollars for the Apartment Building called the Winnepig locatednear 1033 Colne(NL2. wilful failure to abate the the Murder of Barb Winn indicted Aaron Foster Manager of Police Impound Lot one of the biggest polluters in the State, unabated by all 42 city attorneys,by information and belief90% Police and the 168 DSI Employees do not live or pay taxes in the City of St. Paul3. 66A in Helgens area the vacant buildings ie: 1033 ColneFURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT AT THIS TIME EXCEPT SHARON WOULD BE